Come Meetup with Christ-Minded People!



Saintsgiving is a community of broken individuals in a broken world, whose everyday life comes from Christ-a reason to be thankful, to celebrate and to give.





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The Calling

Saints:  Every human is born in the image of God and has a God-given destiny. Saints in the Bible simply means the ones who chose to pursue their destiny through the redemption of Christ. They are loved by God and called to be saints (Rom 1:7).

Giving: Embrace a culture of giving through caring, learning, sharing and serving one another.



Neighbors getting together virtually or in person to learn something, do something and share something, done through the grace and peace that comes from Christ the Messiah! It is faith in action. Without faith it is impossible to please God. Rom 1:7, Heb 11:6

Get Involved

Saintsgiving makes it easy to organize, find or join a Christ meetup group in your neighborhood that cares, learns and shares together. Find tools to start a Saintsgiving group or join a like-minded community within Saintsgiving.

Where Do We Meet?

SaintsGiving groups can meet virtually anywhere and anytime. They also meet in coffee shops, office space, welcoming homes, basements and community centers. Location is secondary to meeting in a positive environment in the grace, favor and love for Christ and one another. Acts 2:47

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Kindly let us know which location or region you are interested in joining a Jesus Meetup. This form is for US residents only. If you reside outside the United States kindly scroll to the next section.


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Kindly let us know which location or region you are interested in joining a Jesus Meetup. This form is for residents outside the United States only. US residents kindly scroll to the section above.


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A Collaborative Community for Personal Growth

To make disciples is one of the most neglected topics in churches. As a result personal mentoring and training has become outsourced to self-help coaches, psychologists and even a few gifted Bible teachers. Jesus groomed His disciples in a community-setting starting with His twelve disciples. A Christ-minded community and a Christ-model for reproducing healthy disciples together builds a strong Jesus Meetup Learn Morewatch a video

what is in it for me?

A Community that Empowers You to be the BEST YOU!


a paradigm shift

Saintsgiving is not opposed to traditional churches or existing church planting models out there

It is simply a call to come out of apathy to cultivate a organic culture according to the pattern of the church in Acts of the Apostles.

Think Global Kingdom . Act Local . Be Passionate .

We are not perfect people. We are believers in Christ committing voluntarily to bless one another and be the change that we wish to see in our communities.

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Three types of Saintsgiving members


Every saintsgiving member is a set apart one unto the lord
  • Shape your lives to become like the Holy One who called you. For Scripture says: “You are to be holy, because I am holy.” (1 Peter 1:15-16). Holiness is not a set of dos and don’ts. To live a holy life is to voluntarily choose to walk in  discipline. Every believer who pursues these three characteristics are saints.
  • who call on the name of Lord Jesus and are sanctified in Christ Jesus (1 Cor 1:2)
  • those that are faithful in Christ Jesus (Eph 1:1) and
  • those that have Christ’s love for one another(Col 1:4).



Ministers are members who serve the needs in the saintsgiving community.

All the saints are called to submit to one another and have a servant’s heart. God opposes the ones “appearing above others” and gives grace to the lowly ones. Some ministers are gifted to serve in certain areas than others. Younger ministers willingly support the leadership of the elders(shepherds). Ministers are called to serve in humility. 1 Peter 5:5, James 4:6



Shepherds are saints who walk acceptably before the Lord, appointed by the Lord, and approved by the saints (Acts 14:23).
  • A Shepherd’s role in a community is to oversee and not boss the sheep (John 21:16).
  • Supervise the body of believers who are chosen, cleansed and transformed by His Son (Acts 20:28).
  • They can be more than one (Acts 14:23).
  • They feed the new Christians with delicacy and sensitivity with word and prayer (like feeding a new-born or a young lambs. John 21:15).
  • Growing and leading the saints to maturity. John 21:17.
  • They are spiritually responsible to the Lord (Act 11:30).


 saintsgiving is about living a kingdom lifestyle daily

A Healthy Leadership.

Saintsgiving is slightly different from the traditional church plant models today. Saintsgiving is not church 2.0 or church plant 3.0. It is Church 0.0. It is a model from the ground zero church as in the Book of Acts. Saintsgiving is about the spirit of the first church community that exploded in Jerusalem as described in the Book of Acts.  Amidst great persecution and without church buildings Church 0,0 had exponential growth.

Saintsgiving Leadership

The health of Saintsgiving Leadership is dependent on building up Shepherds(Elders), equip Ministers(Deacons) and grow Saints(Believers) to make kingdom impact both locally and globally.


Inspiring Saints

Building deep-rooted saints in the Word, full of the Holy Spirit, faith and wisdom as the Acts church (Acts 6:3,5). These are the sons and daughters that prophesy in Joel 2:28, Acts 2:17.

Visionary Ministers

Building ministers that shall do things with divine clarity and vision. Equip visionary ministers according to Joel 2:28, Acts 2:17.

 Dreaming Elders

To build elders/shepherds that shall dream with prophetic meaning and lead the community by the Spirit of God. Adapted from Joel 2:28, Acts 2:17

building blocks

Four Elements of a Healthy Jesus Meetup

When it comes to subjects like self-help, spirituality and psychology, there are plenty of resources available. From best-selling books, seminars, conferences and webinars there are many models and working methods that one can ever hardly complete in a lifetime. There is still a desperate need and struggle to live a good life and to grow personally. The significance of a community in key for personal growth. In a busy world to have a healthy spiritual community contributes to the overall health of a person. What are the four elements of a meet-up with Christ-minded people that will cause one to thrive personally?


building blocks

Eight Pillars for Personal Growth

Today most churches are run as institutions that facilitate a set of sacraments or holy rites. While some other churches operate as a place to receive good instructions for daily living. For an individual to grow a personal spiritual life it a few intentional steps.  A Jesus meetup fills to take these steps as a community to help one grow in his or her spiritual walk. Jesus, being the Son of God, during His life on earth prayed all-nights and some days early mornings. Jesus was engaged in active listening with the Father. His demonstrated eight principles which is a great model for Jesus Meetups to follow.



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The Latest News & Updates



Are the first century church growth strategies obsolete after two thousand years? Why hasn’t the twenty first century church with all its technology outsmarted the growth of the gospel movement of the early church? Did we miss something about the growth strategies...



Saintsgiving adopts one of the oldest church planting strategies in the history of Christianity. The church started on the day of Pentecost in the Book of Acts. Though it sounds primitive the first church was not primitive. The visionary of the church was either a...



The general notion of society is that a man is a radical at twenty-one, a liberal at thirty-one, and a conservative at forty. Young blood and burning ideals is an interesting combination. Youths and millennials mostly fuel protests and radical movements. However, not...

Quotes & Testimonials


"Pray as if everything depends on God. Act as if everything depends on you."

Andrew Murray

Builders beware! Let every builder do his work carefully, according to God’s standards. For no one is empowered to lay an alternative foundation other than the good foundation that exists, which is Jesus Christ!  

1 Cor 3:10 TPT

Sanctify Christ as Lord in your hearts... and give an account for the hope that is in you in gentleness and reverence

St. Peter

Where It’s At

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